cLoVE sMokE *CaTHarSis*

The Boys <3

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Meet AFI

Name: David Marchand
Born: 20th Nov 1975 in Rochester New York
Grew up: Ukiah California
Started Singing: At 5. His family would pay him to sing 1920's songs into a wooded spoon
Been in AFI since: The beginning (1991)
Favourite song to perform: God called in sick today
Lifestyle: Straight Edge
Interesting fact: Has a tattoo of a cat jumping through a 9 that he shares with Jade (Puget of AFI) and Nick 13 (of Tiger Army)

V...mmm, Davey. So hot...V


Name: Jade Puget
Born: 28 Nov 1973 in California
Grew up: Ukiah California
Been in AFI since: 1999
Previous bands: Loose Change, Redemption 87
Fovourite colour/shade: Pink and Black
Lifestyle: Straightedge
Interesting Fact: Jades middle name is Errol (How cute :)

V....Ohhhh, Jade's so cute....V


Name: Hunter Burgan
Originally from: Grass Valley California
Lives: Oakland California
Side Project: Hunter's Revenge
Member of AFI since: 1997
Favorite Movie: Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest
Lifestyle: Vegan
Interesting Fact: Hunter bleaches his hair (shock, horror - it's not natural!)

V...Hunter, always a model...V


Name: Adam Carson
Born: 5 Feb 1975
Grew Up: Ukiah California
Member of AFI since: the beginning (1991)
Favourtie Drink: Coffee and Diet Coke
Favourite Colour: Green
Favourite Book: In the Midnight Kitchen
Lifestyle: Vegetarian
Interesting Fact: Adam's first tattoo was of sparrows, star and banner on his forearm

V...Adam, the pirate...V


An AFI fan site for teenage death boys and teenage death girls